The Blessing and Birthright of the Firstborn

And How to Pray Against the Adversity They Face

· firstborn,prayer,spiritual warfare,narcissistic abuse,parental abuse

I have five children. Out of my five, nothing has troubled me as much as witnessing the adversity my firstborn son has had to overcome. I have cried many tears and had sleepless nights because of the things he has faced thus far in life, and he has not even made it to adulthood yet. As a mother, my heart breaks for him continually while watching his struggles and the never-ending onslaught of attacks from our adversary. What he experiences in the world is such a contradiction to the work God has done in him. My oldest has had a love and loyalty to God from a very young age. God’s hand on his life has been apparent from his earliest years. He gave his life to God at age nine and was baptized. At age 11, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to have visions, dreams, and prophetic abilities. But I’m most amazed by his gentle and kind soul; his lowliness makes me want to keep him under my wing forever, and my soul dies a little every time he grows and flies a little higher away from me.

I know many mothers can relate to those feelings. I also know many mothers crying out to God for their firstborn sons. Recently, God opened my eyes to the blessing and birthright of the firstborn. Scripture shows a principle of “first things” being consecrated unto God. The first of a harvest, the firstborn of the womb of both human and animal, and even the firstborn males in Israel to be priests. In Jewish family life, the firstborn son was to receive a double portion of the father’s estate. He was considered “set apart,” favored, and anointed. But this favor also came with great responsibility. He was to be the spiritual role model for his siblings and the family's spiritual leader in the event of his father’s death.

It is no wonder Satan hates our firstborn children, especially male firstborns. We see two examples in Scripture of the enemy coming after Hebrew sons. One was Pharoah, the other Herod. Both were egotistical narcissists willing to destroy lives if their authority was threatened. Herod went as far as killing his sons and wife because of the perceived threat. Today, these spirits of Egypt are still after our firstborns, using people and circumstances to afflict them.

Now, this was not my intention when beginning this blog. Yet, as I was contemplating these things, I felt the Lord reveal to me that these spirits of Egypt are also behind parental/caregiver narcissistic abuse. The spirit behind parental/caregiver narcissistic abuse differs from that involved with romantic relationships (Jezebel and Ahab). The child being abused by a narcissistic parent/caregiver becomes the scapegoat of the family, and you will recognize it because they are treated differently than the other children. Maybe the other children receive tenderness and encouragement while the scapegoated child receives harshness and blame. I’m taking side streets here but trusting the Lord that this is for somebody. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12). Let us pray. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4).

I will give some tips on covering your firstborn and binding the strongman of Egypt. When Pharoah went after the firstborn sons, God instructed Israel to place the blood of the lamb over their doorposts (Ex. 12). Pray that the blood of Christ protects your child and keeps them from harm. We also know that angels are ministering spirits sent on our behalf (Heb. 1:13-14). Ask God to dispatch ministering angels to guide your child in righteousness, to guard them, and to minister truth and peace to them (and whatever else you feel led by the Spirit to pray). Last, for older children who have left the Lord, consider Hosea 2:6 and how God “hedge[d] up [her] way with thorns, and wall her in, so that she cannot find her paths.” If your child is in rebellion and causing themselves or others harm, pray that their way be hedged with thorns that they cannot move to the left nor the right to harm themselves or others; pray for the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin and to turn their hearts back to God. Ultimately, allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers.

Additionally, we must bind the spirit of Egypt, whether it is operating through a person or circumstances. “Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matt. 18:18).” These are not games, so make sure you put on the full armor of God in preparation. You may incur spiritual “backlash.” Be aware, be prepared, and be vigilant. If you are inexperienced and feel this is over your head, please feel free to book a session with me through my website.

First, you want to bind the principality (spirit of Egypt, Pharoah, Herod) in the name of Jesus. Then you loose the effects of the assignment of this spirit that you are aware of, for example, addiction, erosion of self-worth, self-harm, psychological afflictions, and destruction, etc. Then, release the Kingdom alternative. For example, release a sound mind in place of psychological afflictions; quote exact scriptures; the Word is your weapon. I will give a brief example below, but in all things, I pray that you ultimately seek the Lord for guidance.

“I come in the name of the resurrected Lord Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I declare that no weapon formed against (child’s name) shall prosper! I bind the spirit of (name of spirit [Egypt/Herod/Pharoah]) and cancel their assignment against (child’s name) in Jesus’ name. I loose every effect over my child’s mind, body, soul, and spirit and loose (specific manifestations/symptoms/afflictions) by the power of the blood of Christ who came to destroy the works of Satan. I release (Kingdom alternative [shalom, the righteousness of Christ, etc.]) over (child’s name), and I thank you, God, that you have given me the keys to the Kingdom; that whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Father, I ask that you send ministering angels to my child to guard them, guide them, and keep them from harm, and I ask that by Your Holy Spirit, you would convict my child and lead them in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. I pray that you would frustrate any plans they would have that would bring themselves or others harm and I thank you that Your Word and Your plans prevail! I plead the blood of Jesus over my child, and I thank you, God, that you hear my prayer and answer me. In the name of Jesus, I pray, and by the power of the blood, I stand assured that God will perform His Word. Amen.”

Feel free to copy and paste the above as a template. Reading the prayer aloud is just as acceptable and powerful until it becomes a memorized process. You can book a coaching session with me here if you need assistance.