A Man's Glory Given to a Woman

A Lesson from Jael

· single mom,divorce,God's provision,Jael,divorcee

Before I share what God put on my heart this morning, I want to preface it and say that nowhere in the Bible are women valued less than men in any way. They are created with equal significance but different roles. In this blog, I will not expound on those roles for brevity. I only wish to encourage other women to whom this relates. As a divorcee and now single mother whose father passed away at a young age, I know all too well the struggles we women face without men in our lives to provide, protect, lead, and cover. But I have a word of encouragement for us.

There was a time in the history of Israel when a woman, Deborah, was chosen by God to be judge and prophet over Israel. Deborah was a military strategist and led the Israelite army to victory, but it wasn’t the norm for a woman to be in this leadership role. To paraphrase Judges chapter 4, Deborah called for the General of God’s army, Barack, to ask why he hadn’t obeyed God in leading the men into a battle God promised them victory. Barack was fearful, hence his hesitation, and insisted he wouldn’t go unless Deborah accompanied him. She agreed but informed him that because of his fear and uncertainty, God would give the victory and glory due him to a woman instead. Sure enough, the story unfolds with a woman, Jael, in a very courageous and decisive act, driving a tent peg through the enemy’s head and securing the victory for God’s army, receiving all the glory and praise that should have been Barack’s.

While praying this morning, Jael came into my mind. I began considering my circumstances as a single mom and those that many other women share with me. I felt God impress upon me that although I have no man in position in my life as a provider, protector, leader, or covering, I can secure victory in any area for myself and my family if I act decisively and courageously as Jael did. I felt this as an encouragement for other women who may be in my position or married but whose husbands are not in their spiritual positions in their homes. Jael didn’t even have a sword! But she was resourceful and used what she had, making no excuse and being faithful to God.

So where do you feel you lack today or worry you cannot have victory because of an absent or weak man? I tell you that, nevertheless, God will deliver the enemy into your hand, and you will obtain victory, glory, and praise if you look to Him in trust, obedience, and faith! “Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” Ps. 34:10