• Christ-Centered Life Coaching

    As a Certified Professional Life Coach, I integrate Christian principles into a collaborative and goal-oriented approach to personal and professional development, helping individuals clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and make positive life changes. I believe God has a unique purpose for everyone, and I work alongside clients to discover and fulfill that purpose. "Christ-centered" refers to an approach that centers on Jesus Christ as the central figure, source of authority, and foundation of belief, prioritizing and orienting one's life, thoughts, and actions around the teachings, example, and person of Jesus Christ.

    Faith-Based Trauma Recovery

    As a Trauma Recovery Certified Coach, I integrate faith with evidence-based therapeutic lifestyle changes and neuroscience to facilitate post-traumatic growth. I recognize the significant role faith can play in providing individuals with a sense of meaning, purpose, and support as they navigate the often complex and challenging path of trauma recovery. The overarching aim is to assist individuals in their journey toward wellness, a renewed sense of self, life, purpose, and renewed faith in God. I am not a licensed therapist or mental health professional. I do not diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

    Biblical Deliverance Instruction

    Deliverance in a biblical context is simply God's intervention to set individuals free from sin and demonic oppression. Instructions related to deliverance can be found in verses that discuss prayer, repentance, reliance on God, mortifying the deeds of the flesh, and resisting spiritual forces, and my methods are based on such. I am not an exorcist, and deliverance, as I practice, is not exorcism or expulsion of demonic possession by elaborate rituals as in some traditions. Through instruction, I facilitate a process based on biblical truth in which an individual can be freed from the powers of darkness and the works of the flesh over their life and mind to experience the fullness of new life in Christ by the renewing of their mind through the Word.

    Theology and Apologetics

    Christian theology seeks to understand the nature of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, the nature of salvation, and the ethical implications of Christian teachings and provide a framework for interpreting and making sense of religious experiences, practices, and instructions. I aim to provide individuals with the knowledge and hermeneutical skills needed to read, interpret, and apply biblical texts to promote spiritual growth and be equipped for their calling. Apologetics addresses questions and challenges related to the existence of God, the reliability of religious texts, the problem of evil, the nature of faith, and other aspects of religious belief. My aim isn’t to defend the faith against external criticisms but to address internal doubts and concerns within the faith community so that we may stand strong in an age of heightened deception, spiritual confusion, and falling away.

  • About Me

    Certified Professional Life Coach, Trauma Recovery Certified

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    Angie Duncan

    I am a single mom to five incredible children, for whom all my works and resources are primarily created. I'm also a multi-business owner passionate about helping others realize and reach their full potential by drawing closer to God. I hold a Master of Arts in Human Services with a concentration in Life Coaching from Regent University and a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Nonprofit Business Management and Bible and Theology from Johnson University. My Trauma Recovery Certification is from the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.


    Formerly as the Executive Director of Hosea’s Heart, I founded a nonprofit to aid women desiring to escape sex trafficking and rebuild their lives. We reached hundreds monthly, assisted dozens in new beginnings, and spoke locally and in media. Realizing my passion lay in direct support rather than executive duties, I dissolved the organization to pursue a graduate degree to assist better those seeking guidance. My background also includes ministry experience teaching, preaching, leading worship and dance teams, and more.


    What truly qualifies me is my life journey. My entire life has been a series of starting over with nothing but faith and perseverance to overcome every adversity in life. My spiritual journey began before my birth. While still in my mother's womb, I was dedicated to darkness. My earliest memories of molestation are as a toddler, a pattern that persisted in my life, and by my teenage years, I experienced sexual assault and multiple date rapes. I also experienced paranormal and demonic activity from a very young age, which gripped me with fear. As the scapegoated child of narcissistic abuse, I was never helped through times of difficulty and, at one time, even placed in a psych ward where I experienced further gaslighting, false accusations, and even overmedicated by mental health professionals who ignored my trauma and pathologized it instead. Through all these experiences, I considered that if there was a God, I hated him for creating me and allowing me to suffer the ways I had.


    At the age of 19, I heard the Gospel through a televangelist, and after hearing it, I invited God into my life with a simple but genuine prayer, “God, if you are real, show me who you are. If you have done these things through Jesus, I need this in my life.” Immediately, I was vanquished by the most encompassing and fulfilling experience of love, joy, and peace I had ever sensed. I even felt as though someone wrapped a warm, cozy blanket around me and was holding me in safety, and I began to weep at finally feeling such safe and pure love. At that moment, without knowledge of the Bible, Christian practices, or the terminology to put to my experience, I felt convicted of sin, began to confess with a heart of repentance, and devoted myself to this great Love.


    I wish I could say that from that moment forward, my life improved, just as the stories I have heard from others who came to Christ. Instead, it was like a bullseye was placed on my forehead, and the spiritual warfare I had been experiencing all my life increased to an intensity that caused me more terror than ever before. Regardless, I went out and bought a Bible and began reading it. My eyes were open, and I had understanding. I started sharing about this man named Jesus with anyone I could because I was filled with excitement and amazement. But only months later, I would experience yet another traumatic and life-altering event. My father passed away suddenly, and although I prayed with a fierce belief that he was going to be healed, I ended up watching him suffer and take his last struggling breaths as my head lay on his heart. I never got to say goodbye; he was ripped from my life in an instant, the only man who never harmed me and looked after me. This experience traumatized me severely, and in my confusion and pain, I turned from God, hating him once again for allowing me to suffer so greatly. I made the most foolish mistake of my life, giving myself to Satan and trading my Christian Bible for a Satanic Bible. I made myself an enemy of God, and Satan took full advantage of it. These are not games we play or irrelevant feelings, thoughts, and actions as we sometimes think. Sadly, I was about to learn that a real spiritual war for my soul was happening.


    With the severity of my grief and depression and the panic attacks that were only relieved when I would cause myself physical pain by cutting my arms, friends introduced me to drugs and alcohol to cope. Every night, I was at a different bar or club, often blacking out and waking up in situations where I was sexually assaulted. It was at this time that I was also trafficked into the adult entertainment industry with a bait-and-switch tactic, being promised a modeling career. My life was on a dark downward spiral that persisted for five years. My birth name is Angela, meaning “God’s messenger.” But those who trafficked me gave me a new name, Jordan, which means “to descend.” They named me after another young girl in the industry who had recently died. Indeed, that was the end planned for me by our adversary. Throughout that time, I experienced a cycle of ongoing traumas and abuse from work in adult entertainment (which sometimes included sexual battery, sexual assault, and verbal abuse), abusive and toxic romantic relationships (domestic violence and narcissistic abuse), poverty, homelessness, drug use, alcoholism, severe mental health problems, self-harm, and suicide ideation. But through all this, God never left me nor forsake me. My bed was made in hell, but He was with me even there. I was in a spiritual battle for my life, and every time I attempted to return to God, darkness would not let me go.


    Some Christians met the demonic torment I was experiencing with doubt, and I was told I was schizophrenic; others believed, especially those who experienced it with me while at my home, but their advice on how to break free sadly failed. Through this time, God taught me the way of deliverance from demonic oppression. Though many ministers tried to help me, some even coming to my home and leaving in shock after trying to “clear” the demons, I learned the importance of repentance, renouncing occult involvement, submitting to God, and praying for His intervention, which caused the darkness to flee in the most intense supernatural account I’ve ever had. These experiences solidified my belief in God and his very real spiritual enemies who are out to destroy us.


    Soon after, I met my ex-husband, and we were married and baptized. This was when my healing journey began. It took several years of Christian counseling and the work of the Holy Spirit to heal me from my past. Then, God led me to preparation for ministry under my spiritual mother, where I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, empowering me to speak with boldness, operate in prophetic gifts, have visions and dreams, and pray in the Spirit. Through all that time of healing and preparation, I knew I had to return to help others where I once was. And that has been my heart ever since. To free me, then go back and free others. My life quote is CT Studd’s: “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.”


    Sadly, after 11 years of difficulty, my marriage came to a point where I had no choice but to leave, and I found myself a devastated and severely traumatized single mom of five on welfare. Somehow, I was more determined than ever to fulfill my next assignment and continue helping others. I completed my Master's while simultaneously raising my five children alone, healing my trauma, and starting a now thriving small business that enabled me to get off welfare and achieve financial stability. My message to you is in the words of Corrie Ten Boom: “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” Whatever you are facing or have been through, there is grace (empowerment) to aid you in overcoming. Adversity may not always miss us, but with God’s help, we can have the power and wisdom to traverse any path. Connect with me and let’s make the rest of your life the best of your life!


    To contact me about speaking engagements, program development for your nonprofit, interviews, and more, please connect with me through social media or the email below.


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    Kirsten Barker

    Oak Ridge, TN

    I was blessed to have Angie help me in a time of crisis in my life. She was a stabilizing force for me, and I don’t believe I would have made it through that time without her. I always felt safe and comfortable with her and could openly express my fears and worries. I needed this when I felt unseen and unheard in my life.


    Angie has a unique blend of power and softness. She boosted me with her powerful advice and showed how deeply she cared for my mental and spiritual well-being. I often felt like my feelings and thoughts were jumbled, and I got lost in the chaos. Angie could consistently see my situation clearly, which helped me feel more grounded and clear.


    In our sessions, she was 100% present and there for me, and I looked forward to seeing her each week. She was an integral part of my healing process. I genuinely believe she has a divine gift for helping people. On a scale from 1 to 10, she is a 20! If you are struggling and need someone to guide and support you, Angie is undoubtedly the person who can help you.

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    March 24, 2024 · privilege,Esther,purpose,wealth,influence
    March 24, 2024 · single mom,divorce,God's provision,Jael,divorcee